Sunday, May 19, 2013

LISTENING//I am currently obsessed with The Kooks and refuse to listen to anything but Luke Pritchard's soulful voice. So so good. My favourite tracks include Ooh La, All Over Town, Carried Away (this version), and Tick of Time, which I listen to on repeat as I dance around like a hippie.

WATCHING//That said, I took a moment from my busy Kooks fangirling session (which includes a foray into writing fan here) to show my No.1 girl, Rita Ora, and her wifey, Cara, some love. An alternate video for Rita's song, Facemelt has been released and it oozes sensual feelings... I'm considering switching up my sexual preferences and moving to London. Watch the video here

READING//I recently decided to get back into reading following a 2 year book drought. I used to be an avid reader and loved all the classics, but I'm easing my way back into it all in order to prepare for the English literature classes I'm taking next semester. And by easing back into it I mean reading light-hearted teen fiction, like Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. This book was actually so enjoyable and surprisingly well written. Plus the main heartthrob is perfection. Highly recommend to those who can handle letting go of their literary snobbery now and again!

EATING//I am on a health kick, which includes cutting sugar out of my life. I know how extreme that sounds, but it actually isn't that hard; there are plenty of healthier, natural alternatives to processed sugars. One of my favourite options is dates. I blend them with a little water to create a sort of syrup for my daily bowl of porridge. They also make great snacks when teamed up with the Food of the Gods ie. peanut butter

WEARING//My Topshop leather jacket is possibly the best purchase I have ever made. Like in the entire history of purchases. I am absolutely in love with it, I swear it goes with EVERYTHING!!

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